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Clients +

Sethi Petroleum provides a variety of partnerships with different operators from which our partners can choose. Over time our partners and qualified prospects become familiar with our operators and our areas of participation. The partnerships we generate are marketed exclusively to our current partners and well qualified prospects. We offer personal assistance to all of our partners when partnership documents are requested. We help them thoroughly review the geological summary as well as all of the partnership details.


There are 3 types of partnerships offered by Sethi Petroleum:


  • Joint Venture

  • Limited Partnership

  • Debenture


Our joint venture opportunity is the Bakken Shale Non-Op Fund. In joint ventures, a group of investors contribute equity for the development of viable oil and gas projects. Investors are bound by a legal contract and control over the asset is agreed upon as well as the extent of which profit is gained or lost.


Our limited partnership opportunities include our Domestic Non-Op Fund, Royalty & Income Fund, Oil & Gas Equity Fund and our Oil & Gas Growth Fund. With limited partnerships, the investor has minimal control over business decisions as this responsibility is largely given to the general partner. However, with limited partnerships there is minimal threat to investor capital.


Our debenture offer is the Oil & Gas Lease Bank, an investment option that is used to secure capital associate with potential projects. With Debentures, the debt is not secured by physical assets or collateral but is backed on the reputation of the issuer (Sethi Petroleum).


Reviewing partnership documents with our partners is essential to ensuring that we have verbally explained the partnership details and that our partners fully understand all of the benefits and risks associated with Sethi Petroleum partnerships. Participating partners are required to complete and return the partnership subscription document for each partnership in which they participate. Partnership documents are delivered to partners and well qualified prospects.


Sethi Petroleum’s partnerships offer incredible tax benefits to the investor. For more information on tax benefits available, please visit our Tax Incentives page.

S2 +

Our subsidiary company, S2, has a strategic partnership with our clients as an advisory entity. Under S2, we engage our expert team of geologists, energy analysts, engineers and Chartered Financial Analysts (CFAs) in a thorough evaluation of each potential investment project for our clients. Each opportunity is evaluated based on geological worthiness, land reservoir analysis, economic viability, proven production and if available, seismic data.


S2 utilizes its team of industry experts and the information they obtain to create custom investment packages to suit investor needs

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